Back Pain - Myth Busters

Back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints, and one of the biggest hurdles to getting better is overcoming misbeliefs about your symptoms.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy organisation put together a useful document highlighting a few key myths about back pain which I have put below. For further information on these myths, please refer to

Myth 1 - Moving will make my back pain worse

People fear moving & twisting but it’s essential to keep moving.  Gradually increase how much you are doing and stay on the go.

Myth 2 – I should avoid exercise, especially weight training

Back pain shouldn’t stop you enjoying exercise or regular activities.  In fact studies found that continuing with these can help you get better sooner including using weights where appropriate.

Myth 3 – A scan will tell me exactly what’s wrong

Sometimes it will, but most often it won’t.  Also, even people without back pain have changes in their spine so scans can cause fear that influences behaviour, making the problem worse.

Myth 4 – Pain equals damage

This was the established view but more recent research has changed our thinking.  Modern physio takes a holistic approach that helps people understand why they are in pain.


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